Turning insecurity into stability and career progression.

Get to Know Me

Trust me,
I've been there.

I’m not just a coach– I’ve been in the corporate world for years and have figured out what helps you move your career forward (and what doesn’t!). I became a coach 6 years ago with the intent to share my hard learned lessons and observations about the corporate world with my audience and (hopefully!) prevent others from making the same mistakes. 

I’ve worked in multiple industries and roles (everything from marketing, to construction, finance, operations, and technology) and have seen individuals play the game to success and fail miserably. Let me use my experience and knowledge to help you avoid pitfalls, progress your career, and build your brand.

Those who can’t do, teach – Those who CAN do, coach.

Play the Game

Doing great work at your job is only part of the equation. To truly build your corporate brand and progress your career, you must build the right relationships, share the work (and more importantly impact) that you’ve delivered, and ensure your brand precedes you. This master class will teach you the fundamentals of brand building and self-advocacy while arming you with tactical tools to translate this session to your day-to-day work.


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